Frankie’s New 3D Printed Hand

More on the great story from Marshall Simonds Middle School and the work of our students and staff to create a prosthetic hand for a 7-year old boy from Malden using their 3-D Printer during their Activity Block.

E-nabling The Future


Please click on the photo above to be directed to a video of the funniest 7 year old e-NABLE hand recipient to date!

This is the kind of story that we hope to see more and more of.

Meet Frankie, a 7 year old little boy in Massachusetts who was born with no fingers on his right hand and his Mother Rachel, who found her way to the e-NABLE community after watching a video about a father and son pair (Paul and Leon McCarthy) who created a 3D printed hand together.

Rachel joined the Google+ group and introduced herself and explained that she was in need of a device for her son. Within minutes, she had volunteers offering to make one for Frankie and one of those volunteers just happened to be 8th grade science teacher Jourdan Marino at Marshall Simonds Middle School in Massachusetts. Jourdan realized they were near one another and…

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